The majority of women will have some menopausal symptoms in midlife, lasting on average for around seven years. These can be physical and/or psychological symptoms and can have a severe impact on quality of life for some women.
Most of your menopausal symptoms can be cared for by your GP. If you have more complex conditions, your GP can refer you for more specialised care.
If your practice is part of the Women's Health Hub pilot, GPs can refer women certain conditions to the new Women's Health Hub service.
For other practices, GPs can refer you to the local hospital.
More information about menopause can be found on the NHS website.
An easy read guide to menopause has been put together by NHS Inform.
Women's Health Hub pilot menopause service
The service is led by Dr Shilpa McQuillan. Shilpa is an accredited menopause specialist, community gynaecologist, and women's health GP.
Can I self-refer to the menopause service?
No. You should first book an appointment to see your GP. Your GP will refer you to the service if you meet the referral criteria.
What condiditions are suitable for referral to the menopause service?
- Patients who have trialled HRT but have treatment side effects /resistance/ continuing symptoms.
- Patients who would like to consider adding in testosterone for Hormone Deficit Disorder.
- Older women (over 60 or over 10 years since their last period) keen to start or restart HRT.
- Patients under the age of 45 displaying symptoms of perimenopause.
- Patients with severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
- Patients on HRT with unscheduled bleeding.
- Patients with a strong family history of breast cancer.
What will happen to my referral?
The service will review each referral and decide on the what do do next. This may include preparing a management plan, making an appointment with the patient, and/or referring the patient to hospital.
How will I know what happens after I have been referred?
If you are to be offered an appointment, the service will contact you. Otherwise, your practice will contact you.
If I am invited to an appointment, where will it be?
Most appointments will be by telephone.
How can I make compliment and complaints?
The process for making compliments and complaints is set out here.